Smart Phone

Last night, while I was watching the Braves lose to another walk-off, I ran across a post that caught my attention. It is sad to say but the post was 100% accurate with the way we need to treat our spouse. As a husband of an amazing wife, I need to work on the way I treat her. Although I am not physically or verbally abusive, there are times that I don’t show her the love and compassion that she deserves.

Ok, so right now you are probably wondering what the post said.

It said “Treat your spouse like your smartphone. Touch them a lot, stare at them continually and give them the majority of your attention” (credit Trey and Lea’s “Stronger Marriage Workshop”)

How true is the statement above? You can’t say that you do not treat your smartphone with extreme care. You keep it tucked very secure in your packet. You even put pop sockets on them so you can hold them more firm and less likely to drop them. When you do drop it, you get a nervous feeling that when you pick it up, it could be hurt. And when you do shatter the screen, you are very upset and have to get it fixed quickly. We purchase protective cases and screen protectors just so the precious phone stays in amazing condition.

So, what if we treated our spouse like that? What if we stood by our spouse as close as we do our smartphone. When we are out in public, we hold their hand securely to show our love and that we want to protect them at all costs. If they get hurt (physically, mentally, or spiritually) do we immediately embrace them and comfort their every need? What if we were as heartbroken over the struggles of our spouse as we are our phones when the screen shatters. Do we go out of our way to make sure that they are always protected and out of harm’s way?

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up.”

We are to love our spouse just as Christ loved His church (Ephesians 5:25).

So today, remember to treat your wife or husband like you would your phone. It is sad to compare our love for our spouse to the love that people have to a worldly device but the comparison is accurate. I challenge everyone to do this with me. Let’s show our spouse’s the love that they deserve.

God is Good…

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