
Over the past few weeks, I have been struggling with different things in my life. Mainly, I have been struggling with motivation to do things. Motivation to try to lose weight. Motivation to work hard at different things. Even struggling with my motivation to wake up and share my daily thoughts with everyone. Sometimes in life, things get in the way that misdirects us and slows us down. We get distracted from what is important and it is hard to get back on track. We must step back, rethink what our priorities are and then simply start over.

I am starting over. Things in my life have got in the way of what is important. I am taking a step back and make sure God is first in my life. I have three amazing kids that I need to focus on raising them Christlike. They need me to be the spiritual leader that I am commanded to be. My wife needs me to be the man that God calls me to be. I have failed. I have put many things before God and it is time to make the change.

There are many people like me who have struggled with the world taking over certain parts of their life. Some people let the world take over their entire life. It takes that person standing up and making the decision to change themselves. We can only pray for them and talk to them, with love, about what changes they can make in their life. God is a forgiving God. He does not want us to fall into the traps of the world.

Are you one of the ones who have let the world take over? If you are, sit down and talk to God. Ask Him to help you get your life back right with Him. You don’t have to go forward to worship to get forgiveness although some may want to. Simply, talk to God.

We are all sinners and we all need help. I want to help you and I want you to help me. I want you to help my family and my friends just like they want to help you. We can help each other live a life with Christ so we can spend eternity together.

I want to keep trying to reach someone through my daily posts. I will continue to post as much as I can. You can also find my articles and many other great articles and resources in THINK magazine (Focus Press). These resources are designed to help all of us grow closer to Christ.

God is Good…

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